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Cowley County

Friends of Cowley County Extension

Fall for Extension - Annual Fundraiser

2022 Program and Auction Catalog - pages 6-14 feature auction items.

Fall for extension cover image

2021 Program and Auction Catalog

Fall for Extension photos

Past auction catalog:  2019 Auction Catalog


Friends of Cowley County Extension Bylaws (Approved 2018)

Friends of Cowley County Extension is open to all. Active members will be those individuals who contribute time, talent and/or treasure for the benefit of Cowley County Extension educational programs as evidenced by annual educational program participation, volunteerism or other engagement. 

The annual meeting was held February 10, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cowley County Courthouse, Extension Assembly Room.

A committee coordinates details for Fall for Extension event and raffle drawing. Contact the Cowley County Extension Office to get involved.


Endowment Fund

Friends endowment image